The image above shows the 125 mm x 125 mm ITO Sheet Resistance Standard. |
ITO SHEET RESISTIVITY STANDARDS: THE FINISHING TOUCH FOR FLAT PANEL METROLOGY. Indium Tin Oxide Sheet Resistance Standards (ITOSRS) from VLSI Standards are traceable products, intended for calibration standard of both contact and non-contact ito sheet resistance measurement tools used in the LCD, flat panel and touch-screen markets.
ITO Sheet Resistance Standards (ITOSRS) Product Description
The ITO Sheet Resistance Standard consists of a glass substrate with a thin film of indium tin oxide sputtered on it. The entire surface of the glass substrate is coated with the ITO film, but only the center portion of the substrate, 30 mm in diameter, is certified. This ITO sheet resistivity standard is suitable for larger non-contact probes, four point probes, resistivity and other sheet resistance standards. ITO sheet resistivity standards come with a certificate of calibration.
ITO Sheet Resistance Standards (ITOSRS) Product Specifications
- Substrate size:
125 mm x 125 mm x 0.7 mm.
- Nominal Sheet Resistance Values:
15 Ω; 90 Ω
- Material
90% In2O3 :10% SnO2
- Certified Area
30 mm diameter in the center of the plate
- Sheet Resistance Uniformity in the Certified Area
< 1.5% (1,s)
- Certified Expanded Uncertainty
= 3% for the 15 Ω model(95% confidence)
= 5% for the 90 Ω model (95% confidence)
- Serialization
Each plate is individually serialized
- Traceability
Traceable to SI Units through NIST SRM 2543 or 2544